
Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:36:00 AM

A new look and new problems

One issue solved only leads to more questions that lead to more issues, and so on and so forth

And so, with this post I launch the new look for PaintedLines. Its more of a refinement of the original than a radical departure, but I like it. And yes, this is infact, the skin I have been bitching about for while now. Seems these things are easier to build than impliment. But none the less, it up. Woo.

now for the problems: As you can see, the promised additions arent up. Frankly, I'm having a hell of a time fitting the blog into the pre-made site layout that I have for lotC. (ie: the header and menu) I may have to break down, and re-think the linking and layout to get all the sections to work well together. But god, I hope not!

Albert Einstein:
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

The layout issues are also the reason that the blog is still on the Adelphia server. There is no point in moving it till the site is ready for it - and lotC just aint at that point yet. That and before I move, I have to reformat past posts to bring them up to date with the new code. But the blog works fine, for the moment, just where it is.

    So whats next for the blog?
  • formating the old posts
  • moving to the lotC server
  • a new contact form
  • integration into the lotC layout
  • and a bunch more stuff that the new layout can do that you havent seen yet!

Oh, just don't hold your breath. If I have learned anything since taking the dive into my own domain, its this: If you build it fast and only for looks, it will break when you try to make it function. And that holds ture to most thing beyond code. Einstein isnt far off base at all

But its time to wrap this up. I have been trying to make the new skin play nice w/ lotC for hours now. And since its late (check the time stamp) I think ill pack it in, maybe the solutions will hit me in my sleep!

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