
Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:31:00 PM

This code will be the end of me

Sweet Jesus I hate -insert name of random web-based scripting language here- !

So, I get the blog moved over. Thats good. Then I find that the lotC header/nav is only loading on the main blog page and the archive pages (not the single post pages) so they are disabled for now. Thats bad.

In an attempt to get the PHP of the headrer/nav to get parsed into the HTML of the single post pages I messed up how the domain loads. I should have known not to toy with the htacess file. So now you need the whole address to get here -> Damn it - I cant win

Just when you think you have everything worked out. Ironic, to say the least

** Update - 10:14 pm **

Got the header to load right on all the blog pages. So the single post pages are back online and functioning. The main page on the other hand is still a lil wonky. However I did contact 1&1 (my host) so I'll see by morning if the bug is fixed. And while waiting for a resolution I updated and added some new lines to my "mast-tag of snarky-ness" and fixed all the lil spelling errors due from typing late at night