
Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:51:00 PM

24: quater-life crisis here I come!

Yeah this post was late.

I slept in - its my birthday damn it

No theme today. Just a bunch of random tangents that have been bouncing around my head. Randomness is not considered insanity, as long as you can make it seem quirky. People like quirky, they lock up nuts. It pays, in the long, run to remember that.

In the feeling old department: I read over on c|net that Microsoft is working on finalizing the big revamp of the Hotmail service. I have been beta testing it, so I hope they don't botch it. Anyway, they get into a little history, and mention that Hotmail was bought by Microsoft back in 1997. Damn - I had an account way before that. In fact I remember when the site still used frames and everything was color coded. Back when web design dictated you use every color that the monitor could handle. Sigh, the good ol' days.

...before the damn butterfly!
Old Hotmail Logo

Every year new words get added to Webster's such as cybrarian and metadata. This year my vote goes for: Amusementparkapalooza. Only problem is that the word can't really have a definition. Its more of an experience. The best I can offer a is visualization of the idea. Bars down ... clear!

It may just be my own morbidity or one could blame it on the amount of time that I have spent in hospitals, but I am hooked on medical shows. And yes, while ER and Grey's Anatomy are more dramas, so what? I have found an awesome new site: OR Live - Home of Live Surgical Video on the Net. Ok, so the name sorta sums it up, but come on folks, they stream live and take viewer questions right there in the operating room! And today - on my birthday - I'll be watching a live knee replacement! However, if it were me under the knife, I don't know how I'd feel about hearing, right as I slip under, the the AOL Guy:

You've got mail!

The archive is almost done. However, it wont make the self-imposed deadline. So screw the deadline. My site, my rules - poof - no deadline. That was easy. Anyway, look for it this weekend, along with a new contact system that has been waiting in the wings for a while. I had to recode the header for it to work, hence the delay. Hell at this point I'm lucky I'm still blogging regularly. The rest of the site will drop, well when it drops.

Now if you would please excuse me. I have to go see someone get thier knee sliced open, pulled apart, drilled, and slapped back together with metal and cement.

Gonna be a good birthday!