
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:33:00 AM

A radio high

Hey, yeah I've been here and there, echoing in my own head, and mostly testing. Cheers.

Leave it to me to find meaning the the lyrics of trashy euro-techno-pop dance music. But as of late M1 Live has been my station of choice. Streaming from "over the pond."

I could call it a guilty pleasure, but since radio in the states pretty much sucks, at least for being mainly dance remixes, there is variety. And not the schizo play lists of our local BOBfm. Someone really needs to slap the sh*t outta BOB, and while you are at it, go after his bastard siblings JACK, JOE, DAVE, ABE, and BENfm! ... Here's round one!

You know, there is a reason that my non-Apple mp3 player (don't get me started) is loaded with podcasts. For the most part...

Pittsburgh Radio Sucks!

But what to do about it? Glad you asked. I will state now, my fixes are purely greedy and self serving. If you don't like it, why are you even reading my blog?

We basically need two stations to make me happy. A FREEfm and an Air America. Well not really a FREEfm, just a station that will carry Penn Jillette's radio show. Its good, its bold, its what Stern could never hope to be. In short, its good radio. And thats why we need it and why I download the damn podcast everyday. And yes, he is the Penn of Penn and Teller, the same guys that do Bullsh*t.

And speaking of things that drop out of the bovine buttock: 104.7 - the reason we need an Air America affiliate. 104.7 (no link because it would foul the site too much) is the home of the Pig Man (Limbaugh, the deaf: be hard on drug use - pill popper), the Piglet Bastard (Hannity), and our own local bunker-dwelling, wing-nut, neo-con: Jim Quinn. These and the whole host of conservative talkers are more than willing to drink the Kool Aid when Raisin Brains (Bush no.2 aka: Bush the Lesser, or Shrub, for short) and their God (the blond, blue eyed, evangelical one!) tells them to and they have no problem taking the rest of us with them...

Everybody sing the praises of President Chuckle Nuts while you line up at the punch bowl. All the ditto-heads togther now! Oh and leave extra for Rush, who knows how much its gonna take to work on that drug addled hypocrite.

So its only fair to have a counter point, and our local try - WPTT, christ - they still carry Laura Ingraham - is weak at best. Hopefully the three rivers with ring with the voices of Al Franken, the goddes of the radio: Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy - the Anti-Quinn (who I cribbed some nick names from) soon. I can only hope ... to God (the one that looks like he was born in Bethlehem - ya know, sorta Middle Eastern-ish!)

Wow, ok, rant over, now back to the reason for this post - meaning in the lyrics of trashy euro-techno-pop dance music:

...and there are some who say there are so many things I need so I run or I fight and I crawl or I scream and I bleed ... Well, it's a lie, it's a lie - don't you believe it. If you're fine then you're fine - it's all how you see it. Oh, there never will be no conspiracy of happiness.

The song is "On A High" - its actually from a 2001 release by Duncan Sheik. Yeah, I know, who knew he had more than one cd? Pretty much though -One Hit Wonder- after "Barely Breathing". None the less, I like the lyrics. Makes you think.

Thinking is good.